At Kingston School of Art on 10th June 2023, a transformative dialogue unfolded among artists and educators, marking a pivotal moment in the Metamorphosis exhibition. This multidisciplinary show, a culmination of the MFA Fine Art students' journey, explored the dynamic interplay between individual creativity and collaborative effort.
I, alongside Annalisa Hayes, curated a panel discussion featuring esteemed guests Professor Elizabeth Price and Dr Eiko Soga. Titled 'Higher Education in Art: A Retrospection,' this dialogue delved into the evolving landscape of art education, reflecting the panelists' deep connections with academic institutions and their impact on art practices. Professor Price, with her extensive experience in fostering innovative PhD projects, and Dr. Soga, a recent addition to Kingston School of Art with fresh insights from her PhD journey at Ruskin School of Art, offered unique perspectives.
The discussion resonated deeply with a diverse audience, including BA and MFA students, faculty, technicians, and peers from other UK art universities. The interactive session unfolded into a dynamic Q/A, sparking critical discussions and leaving the audience immersed in thought-provoking insights.
Moderating this discussion was not only a testament to my growing skills in communication and interpersonal engagement but also a significant step in my journey to understanding the nuances of institutional structures in the arts sector. It was an enlightening experience that further fueled my passion for professional growth in this vibrant field.